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A Short Guide to Gospel Generosity: Giving as an Act of Grace

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A Short Guide to Gospel Generosity: Giving as an Act of Grace

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  • Giving is an issue of our heart, health, and service to God
  • Tithing is not a required practice of New Testament believers
  • The Kingdom of God calls Christians to humility, selflessness, and fidelity in giving
  • Called by Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit, Christians give generously as an act of Grace to others until Jesus returns
  • Author: Nathan W Harris
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About this Item

  • Description

    We live in a possession and money obsessed culture.

    The normal American has far more than they need, yet still feel incredibly insecure, needing to grasp it all tightly and continue to gain more. This isn't just true with our acquisition of things, but also in the way we approach all resources that God has given to us: our time, gifts and talents, our families, and our lives themselves. What is the solution to this problem?

    Throughout Gospel Generosity you will see how the answer to our obsession with possessions is turning to the Gospel. It's only in the Gospel can we find the type of life transformation that enables us to turn our focus from ourselves to others, to give generously, and follow the way of Christ. God has modeled generosity throughout redemptive history, culminating in the gift of His Son, and this sacrificial generosity is the basis of true gospel generosity. Readers of this book will be called to consider all of their resources and gifts from God that are to be held loosely, ready to be used for God's purposes. Everything is His anyway.

    Gospel generosity is simply giving that is rooted in the saving work of Jesus Christ. It is the Christian's joyful awareness of what Christ has done for them and how they are privileged to participate in proclaiming that work through giving and advancing the Gospel. Generosity sprouts from the Gospel and bears fruit for the Gospel.

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    Bible Study
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  • Reviews

In Gospel Generosity you will explore topics such as:

  • Giving is an issue of our heart, health, and service to God
  • Tithing is not a required practice of New Testament believers
  • The Kingdom of God calls Christians to humility, selflessness, and fidelity in giving
  • Called by Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit, Christians give generously as an act of Grace to others until Jesus returns

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