The Gospel Project for Kids: Easter Edition DVD Leader Kit - Lifeway K…
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The Gospel Project for Kids Christmas Edition is a five-session, gospel-centered Christmas Bible study resource that will help you share the Christmas story with your preschoolers and kids. Each session points directly to the good news of the gospel.
Session 1: Prophets Told About Jesus Birth (Isaiah 7; 9; 11; Micah 5)
Session 2: Angels Spoke to Mary and Joseph (Matthew 1; Luke 1)
Session 3: Jesus Was Born (Isaiah 9; Luke 2)
Session 4: Jesus Was Dedicated (Luke 2)
Session 5: Wise Men Visited Jesus (Matthew 2)
Throughout these Christmas sessions, kids will discover how God revealed His plan to Old Testament prophets. Everything God said about Jesus birth came true! God chose Mary and Joseph to be Jesus earthly parents. At just the right time, Jesus was born to bring peace between God and people. When Jesus arrived, Simeon and Anna knew He was the promised Messiah, and the wise men worshiped Jesus as King.
What's Included:
The Leader Guides contain 5 sessions (one per week). The Christmas Edition DVD-ROMs includes session videos and reproducible posters, full-color Bible story pictures, Leader Guide PDFs, activity pages, and printables. Use the download code for easy, digital access.
Bible Study:
The Gospel Project
Preferred Location:
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