Matchless - Bible Study Book by Angie Smith - LifeWay
Matchless - Bible Study Book by Angie Smith - LifeWay
- The Life and Love of Jesus
Who is Jesus? What makes Him different from other religious leaders? How can you know Him? We live in a world where people want to shape Jesus and His message to fit their personal needs or political agendas. So how can you know the truth? And how can you share that truth with others? Dive into Scripture to discover Jesus' mission, miracles, message, and more to truly know the real Jesus. (8 sessions)
Leader helps to guide questions and discussions within small groups
Personal study segments to complete between 8 weeks of group sessions
Interactive teaching videos, approximately 15 minutes per session, for rent or purchase
Enrich your understanding of Jesus in His historical and cultural context.
Learn to view Jesus more as an intimate friend than an iconic figure.
Get equipped to share the gospel of Jesus with others.
Additional Information
Condition:NewAuthor:Angie SmithPages:176Language:EnglishBible Study:MatchlessAdults:WomenPreferred Location:SCLS